"Departure" performed by Ben Kono (piccolo), Martha Kato (piano), Pete McCann (guitar), Evan Gregor (bass), Rogerio Boccato (percussion), Fumi Tanakadate (taiko drums)

"Heather and the Sky" performed by Ben Kono (flute), Martha Kato (piano), Pete McCann (guitar), Evan Gregor (bass), Rogerio Boccato (percussion), Fumi Tanakadate (taiko drums)

Bring your story to life with bespoke composition crafted by Midori! 

She especially loves writing music based on people's lived experiences. She's written music inspired by empowering immigrant mothers and their children.  Please see the commission rates, now discounted until December 31, 2024! Updates: Midori's commission schedule is now full until the end of 2024. Next available commission is in 2025.